Playing sports isn’t just for kids. If you love the adrenaline of competition or the social gathering after a big win, you’re not alone. Whether you’re into soccer, baseball, hockey, or Frisbee, there’s a club nearby where you can stay active, make new friends, and improve your skills. Here are the six best adult sports leagues in Chicago you can join this summer.

Chicago Sport & Social Club

Four women soccer players resting and talking on the pitch

Athletes Sitting on Grass by Anastasia Shuraeva is licensed with Pexels License

With Chicago Sport & Social Club, you’ll learn about more than competing. This program focuses on fun, community, and an active lifestyle for adults 21 years and older. It offers a variety of sports, including:

  • Basketball.
  • Beach, grass, and indoor volleyball.
  • Bocce.
  • Bowling.
  • Cornhole.
  • Dodgeball.
  • Floor hockey.
  • Football.
  • Golf.
  • Kickball.
  • Pickleball.
  • Ping pong.
  • Soccer.
  • Softball.
  • Tennis.
  • Touch rugby.
  • Whirlyball.

To register with Chicago Sport & Social Club, sign up with your Facebook account or email address, and browse the offerings to find a league. After that, you can register for social events, like the 90s Beach Party or the March Madness Viewing Party. You’ll definitely want to play in a tournament, too. Volleywood combines the Midwest’s biggest beach volleyball tournament with summer’s best music festival. Join one of over 300 teams battling it out for the championship title. Check out the activities board after the event and keep in touch with everything happening in your league.

Players Sport & Social Group

With more than 80,000 annual participants, Players Sport & Social Group is one of Chicago’s largest adult social sports organizations. It offers leagues, tournaments, and events with a mission to help people stay active, make new friends, and have fun. You can pick from one of a dozen different sports, from the classics like basketball and softball to new additions like curling. This summer’s events are heating up, including the 606 Beer Olympics and the Big Dig Beach Party. Check out their website for updates to the calendar so you don’t miss a single event.

Simply Social Sports

The summer league at Simply Social Sports starts in May and June. It’s the perfect time to join the fun with games like kickball, beach volleyball, and 16-inch softball. If you and your friends have an entire team, you can sign up anytime, while free agents are grouped in co-ed leagues with players around the same age.

This local, independently run organization has operated for over 13 years. Today, it offers some of Chicago’s cheapest team membership fees while providing a terrific league experience. But don’t think the fun is limited only to the warm-weather months. Winter leagues continue with skeeball, bowling, dodgeball, and more. With Simply Social Sports’ 748 leagues to choose from, one is out there that’s right for you.

Johnny’s Adult League

Meet countless new friends, get that championship win, and stay cool this summer on the ice at Johnny’s Icehouse. It’s the largest — and most competitive — league of its kind in the Windy City. The adult hockey league consists of more than 130 teams that compete within seven primary divisions, including a seasonal Elite League and an Over 40 Elite League.

You’ll join the A, B, B2, C, C2, C3, or Federal Hockey League divisions based on your overall skill level and the age of your team’s players. If you’re new to the sport, don’t let inexperience stop you from signing up. Beginners can register for Hockey 101/102 and train on the fundamentals and beyond. In addition, you’ll get the chance to compete in the six-team, three vs. three leagues for novice players.

Sign up for a skills clinic with a pro hockey player at Johnny’s East on Tuesdays and Fridays from noon to 1 p.m. or at Johnny’s West on Thursdays from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. In addition, Stick & Puck open skate lets you work on your game, skills, or conditioning each Friday morning from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at Johnny’s East. Learning fair and competitive play is essential, and the teams are monitored closely to maintain the organization’s stellar reputation within the local hockey community.

Ultimate Chicago

If you’re into Frisbee, you’ll want to check out Ultimate Chicago. This disc-throwing league gives enthusiasts like you a chance to put your abilities to the test against other players. This fast-paced game combines soccer’s athletic endurance with football’s passing skills. You and your six teammates will move down the field and score by catching a pass in your opponent’s end zone.

If you think you have a competitive edge, regardless of your current skill level, you can join over 2,000 people in the Chicago area for fun in the sun. Ultimate Chicago offers co-ed summer leagues, beginner’s beach leagues, and even clinics geared toward improving your performance. You can also find plenty of pickup games. Take advantage of the city’s public transportation system and meet up with players next to the Diversey driving range in Lincoln Park on Wednesdays and Saturdays or at Grant Park on Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays.

Windy City Fieldhouse

The Windy City Fieldhouse (WCF) hosts several sports leagues for all skill levels throughout the week. It strives to provide our community with the best competitive recreational opportunities while maintaining a fun and safe environment. Everyone is welcome to play here, whether you already have a team or you’re an individual looking to join one.

Registering for a league with the WCF is simple. You can either complete the registration form online, print it out and drop it off, or send the completed form to the WCF’s email address listed on their website. Leagues do fill up fast, so to get into the league of your choice, you’ll want to sign up as soon as possible. Upcoming leagues include men’s basketball and floor hockey. In addition, officials are working hard to add more programs to the roster, including:

  • Co-ed volleyball.
  • Women’s soccer.
  • Men’s soccer.
  • Lacrosse.
  • Wiffle ball.

Don’t spend the summer on the couch. Instead, sign up for one of Chicago’s best sports leagues to stay active and boost your social life. And remember to keep your auto insurance policy current, so you can drive to games, clinics, and practice sessions worry-free. Contact us by calling 773-286-3500 if you need to update your coverage or have any questions.


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