For over 35 years, American Auto Insurance has provided car insurance to Illinoisans. We have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and an outstanding customer satisfaction record. We offer coverage plans for all vehicle types and budgets and even provide SR-22 coverage. You can find plans starting at $14 monthly, and your credit score won’t affect your rate. 

Every plan we sell has 24/7 Roadside Assistance, giving you peace of mind should a breakdown occur. And we provide instant proof of coverage to get you on the road fast. You can count on American Auto Insurance for all your auto insurance needs, as we’re the cheapest and most reliable car insurance provider in Illinois.

Transferring Car Insurance When Selling and Buying

A toy car on an auto insurance policy next to a stack of money in Illinois.

Car Insurance by Pictures of Money is licensed with CC BY 2.0

You would only transfer your car insurance if you purchase or own another uninsured vehicle and don’t want to continue driving the currently insured car. For instance, if you sell or trade in your old vehicle and purchase a new one, you can transfer your insurance policy from your old vehicle to the new one. 

Most insurance companies have a set window to transfer policies after switching vehicles. Typically, you have between seven days to a month, depending on the carrier. 

You might also own another car that you enjoy driving seasonally, such as a convertible in the summer or a four-wheel drive truck in the winter. In that case, you can transfer your insurance policy back and forth as the seasons change.

Transferring Car Insurance When You Are Unable To Drive

You can transfer your insurance policy to another vehicle if you can’t drive your car anymore. However, this process may differ depending on why you can’t drive. For example, if the insurance company deems your vehicle a total loss due to an accident, you aren’t selling or trading it in. In this case, you can transfer your policy to a new car. 

Why Would You Cancel Car Insurance?

Many reasons exist to cancel your car insurance policy. You might cancel your policy if you don’t have another car to transfer it to. This might happen if your vehicle breaks down and you can’t afford to fix it, or it isn’t worth fixing, and you decide you don’t need a car in the near future. In this case, you would cancel your policy.

Another scenario where you would cancel your policy might be that you can’t physically drive because of illness or injury. It could be temporary or permanent, but why pay for the insurance if you can’t drive?

If you switch insurance companies, you definitely need to cancel your old policy. Carrying two policies will flag you as a possible fraud, looking to capitalize on a double insurance claim. Insurance companies share information, so there’s a good chance they’ll find out and might even cancel both your policies.

An often overlooked reason to cancel car insurance occurs when the vehicle is sold to someone else. Many car owners mistakenly believe the policy automatically ends when they sell their vehicle, which isn’t the case. 

Your insurance policy is attached to the car. When you sell it and don’t cancel the policy, you’ve unknowingly consented to let the new owner drive the vehicle under your policy, which isn’t good in two ways. First, the new owner might not know you haven’t canceled the policy and get their own. Now, you’re in a double-insured situation and could face legal consequences. Second, you’ve taken on the risk of the new owner getting in an accident and raising your premiums. 

When Should You Transfer Your Car Insurance?

If you plan on selling or trading your old car for a new one, we recommend contacting your insurance agent before you complete any deal. You’ll want to get a quote first because chances are the premium will change. 

Illinois requires you to have auto insurance before you register a vehicle. Your insurance agent will be able to get the paperwork completed before you finalize a deal if you give them a day or two. Giving them time will ensure you have coverage on your new car. However, we recommend you contact your agent at least a week in advance. You’ll want to shop for multiple quotes if your current provider’s premium is too high. 

Remember that you can have two vehicles covered under the same policy. You should do this if you’re unsure of the timeline for closing a deal on your new car. Notify your agent; they’ll help ensure your coverage doesn’t lapse. Once you complete the deal, you can cancel coverage on your old car.

What Is SR-22 Insurance?

Illinois requires drivers with a history of safety responsibility suspension, revocations, mandatory insurance supervision, unsatisfied judgment suspension, and people with multiple convictions for mandatory insurance violations to obtain SR-22 insurance. While these may not be good circumstances, they won’t prevent you from getting car insurance.

The state can issue three types of SR-22 insurance certificates. First, you can get an Operator’s Certificate that covers operating any vehicles you don’t own. You might need this if you drive a fleet vehicle for work.

The second certificate is an Owner’s Certificate, which covers any vehicle the driver owns. The SR-22 Certificate must include the type of vehicle. Finally, an Operator-Owner Certificate will cover driving in all vehicles owned or non-owned by the driver.

Get Help Transferring Your Auto Policy Today

American Auto Insurance strives to make auto insurance simple, affordable, and fast to obtain. Our history of covering Illinois motorists for almost four decades with lower prices than other companies makes us the logical place to shop for car insurance.

You can call us now at 773-286-3500 if you’re looking for car insurance. One of our friendly, knowledgeable agents will answer all your questions about deductibles, options, and more and help you navigate the entire auto insurance and SR-22 process. Or you can contact us online for a free quote.


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